[PyCUDA] Stopping Criterion in for loops
2016-10-17 10:11:54 UTC
Hello everybody,

I'm currently using pycuda and scikit-cuda to parallelize a simple code.
Basically I repeat this structure inside a for loop:

1-matrix/vector product (cublas.cublasDgemv)

2-elementwise division(cumisc.divide)

3-matrix/vector product

4-elementwise division

5-Error calculation

and I leave the loop when the error is small enough (You can see the
code at the end of the mail). I want to calculate the error on the GPU
and check with a if condition if it's small enough before breaking the
loop. error_dev and error_min_dev are both (1,) array but when I try to
compare them in the if condition, I get the following error:

File "./lib/Solvers/IPFP_GPU/functionsGPU.py", line 109, in
if(error_dev < error_min_dev):
TypeError: an integer is required

and if I try to access to the only element of these arrays:

File "./lib/Solvers/IPFP_GPU/functionsGPU.py", line 129, in
if(error_dev[0] < error_min_dev[0]):
line 838, in __getitem__
array_shape = self.shape[array_axis]
IndexError: tuple index out of range

The only solution I found was to use the get_async() and to compare both
arrays on the CPU but I guess this is not the best solution... I
wondered if there is a way to compare these arrays without sending them
back to the CPU.

On the other hand, I wondered how is controlled the for loop. How are
the iterations synchronized with the GPU calculations?

Thanks for your time!

Best regards,

Simon Legrand

def solve_IPFP_simple_gpu(Mu, Nu, epsilon):

dtype = np.float64
mu = np.reshape(Mu.values,(1,np.size(Mu.values)))
nu = np.reshape(Nu.values,(np.size(Nu.values),1))
a = np.copy(nu)

C = quad_cost_matrix(Mu.vertices, Nu.vertices)
K = np.exp(-C/epsilon).astype(dtype)

handle = cublas.cublasCreate()
m = np.shape(K)[0]
n = np.shape(K)[1]
alpha = np.float64(1.0)
beta = np.float64(0.0)

mu_dev = gpuarray.to_gpu(mu)
s1_dev = gpuarray.empty(mu.T.shape,dtype)
nu_dev = gpuarray.to_gpu(nu)
s2_dev = gpuarray.empty(nu.shape,dtype)
K_dev = gpuarray.to_gpu(K)
a_dev = gpuarray.to_gpu(a)
an_dev = gpuarray.empty(a.shape,dtype)
b_dev = gpuarray.to_gpu(mu)

error_min_dev = gpuarray.to_gpu(np.array(1e-3).astype(np.float64))
niter_max = 1000


for i in xrange(0, niter_max):
cublas.cublasDgemv(handle, 't', m, n, alpha, K_dev.gpudata, m,
a_dev.gpudata, 1, beta, s1_dev.gpudata, 1)
b_dev = cumisc.divide(mu_dev,culinalg.transpose(s1_dev))

cublas.cublasDgemv(handle, 'n', n, m, alpha, K_dev.gpudata, n,
b_dev.gpudata, 1, beta, s2_dev.gpudata, 1)
an_dev = cumisc.divide(nu_dev, s2_dev)

error_dev =
a_dev = an_dev

print(error_dev.get_async(), error_min_dev.get_async())
if(error_dev < error_min_dev):

a = a_dev.get()
b = b_dev.get()
psi = np.reshape(epsilon*np.log(a),(np.size(a),))
phi = np.reshape(epsilon*np.log(b),(np.size(b),))
Gamma = K*a*b
return Gamma, phi, psi
Andreas Kloeckner
2016-10-17 15:25:45 UTC
Post by slegrand
Hello everybody,
I'm currently using pycuda and scikit-cuda to parallelize a simple code.
1-matrix/vector product (cublas.cublasDgemv)
2-elementwise division(cumisc.divide)
3-matrix/vector product
4-elementwise division
5-Error calculation
and I leave the loop when the error is small enough (You can see the
code at the end of the mail). I want to calculate the error on the GPU
and check with a if condition if it's small enough before breaking the
loop. error_dev and error_min_dev are both (1,) array but when I try to
File "./lib/Solvers/IPFP_GPU/functionsGPU.py", line 109, in
TypeError: an integer is required
File "./lib/Solvers/IPFP_GPU/functionsGPU.py", line 129, in
line 838, in __getitem__
array_shape = self.shape[array_axis]
IndexError: tuple index out of range
The only solution I found was to use the get_async() and to compare both
arrays on the CPU but I guess this is not the best solution... I
wondered if there is a way to compare these arrays without sending them
back to the CPU.
On the other hand, I wondered how is controlled the for loop. How are
the iterations synchronized with the GPU calculations?
This code does something similar:


Looking through that may be helpful.

