Alessandro Barracco
2015-02-14 11:11:01 UTC
Hi all, I'm a newbie to CUDA and looking for python found two alternative:
Anaconda and pyCUDA. I decided to use pyCUDA but I need to read a good book
to understand CUDA. I found several book on the topics but it seems that
each use C++. Any book that explain pyCUDA? If no, please, suggest me a
good book to start. I have experience in python.
Many thanks
*eng. Alessandro Barracco, phDTechnology and Management of Aeronautical
*Faculty of Engineering and Architecture*
*University of Enna "Kore"*
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Anaconda and pyCUDA. I decided to use pyCUDA but I need to read a good book
to understand CUDA. I found several book on the topics but it seems that
each use C++. Any book that explain pyCUDA? If no, please, suggest me a
good book to start. I have experience in python.
Many thanks
*eng. Alessandro Barracco, phDTechnology and Management of Aeronautical
*Faculty of Engineering and Architecture*
*University of Enna "Kore"*
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